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Moxie Monday: The Fifth Edition

Ambassadors Spotlight

Moxie Monday: The Fifth Edition

Welcome to the fifth edition of Moxie Monday, where we explore the latest updates and advancements on the Moxie platform. This past week has been packed with excitement, featuring a range of new features, tools, and integrations designed to elevate your experience. Whether you're a longtime Moxie user or just beginning to discover its potential, this edition has something for everyone. Let’s dive into this week’s highlights.

Table of Contents

  1. Moxie by the Numbers

  2. Moxie Team Updates

  3. Community-Made Contributions

  4. Other Integrations

Moxie by the Numbers

Before we delve into the week’s developments, let’s take a quick look at some key statistics that highlight Moxie’s growing influence within the cryptocurrency landscape:

  • Moxie Holders: 89,037

  • Total Moxie Burned: 23,762,109

  • Moxie Remaining Supply: M 9,976,227,874

  • Moxie Fully Diluted Valuation: $24,095,597

  • Moxie Circulating Supply: M 959,775,425

  • Moxie Circulating Supply Market Cap: $2,318,147

  • Fan Token Holders:

  • Total Fan Tokens Held: 6,239,038

These figures reflect Moxie’s sustained growth and the increasing adoption of the token across various platforms and use cases.

Moxie Team Updates

  1. Moxie Team Fixes Reward Display on Airstack and Official Moxie Frames

  1. New Moxie Ecosystem Page is Live!

  • The Moxie Ecosystem page is now live at, offering a comprehensive overview of projects within the Moxie platform. If you'd like to add your own project, you can sign up via DeForm to submit a request. This new page serves as a hub for exploring and contributing to the growing Moxie ecosystem.

  1. Upcoming Moxie Development: Key Highlights for the Next Two Weeks

    The Moxie dev team has just wrapped up their planning for the next two weeks, and here are the key highlights of what's coming:

    • Improved Third-Party Rewards Experience: Making it easier to integrate more third-party platforms like Ponder and Farhouse into the Moxie ecosystem.

    • Transaction Abstraction API: This will simplify the process for external users to buy and sell Fan Tokens, abstracting transactions from vesting contracts and external wallets.

    • Far Boost Based on Liquidity Pool (LP): Enhancing Far Boost functionality by linking it to LP holdings.

    • Moxie Store, Moxie Heroes, and Moxie Power

    • MIP-1 (Earning Configurations): Providing creators with more on-chain configuration options, such as reward splits, destination settings, and fee splits, enhancing flexibility for earning and distribution.

  2. Moxie Store to be Launched Next Week

    • The Moxie Store will be set up with composable frames on frames, expanding the scope of how Moxie earners can use their rewards after claiming them. We're keeping an eye out for new third-party frames, several of which are slated to be included in the launch. For anyone who has a great Moxie use case that should be part of the Store, reach out to their team!

Community-Made Contributions

The Moxie community has been particularly active this week, contributing a range of tools and insights that continue to expand the platform’s utility.

  1. Abss

  • Abss has developed a new frame that helps users monitor their chances of ending up in Moxie jail. This tool evaluates how frequently you reply within an hour and notifies you if you're approaching a critical limit. It provides real-time feedback to help users manage their engagement and avoid penalties.

  1. Saxophone55.eth

  1. SayAngel

  • SayAngel has rolled out a major update to the Gift a Fan Token frame! You can now gift a Fan Token—whether it's yours or someone else's—to anyone on Farcaster. Even better, if the recipient doesn't have a Moxie Pass yet, the app will automatically mint one for them on the fly, ensuring a seamless gifting experience.

  1. Leovido.eth and harios

  1. BFG

  1. Danicaswanson

  • Danica Swanson is embarking on a 30-day experiment called Moxiesplaining Journal, where they are documenting daily observations about the Moxie ecosystem. Each entry is being collected in their Paragraph newsletter, with plans to eventually release the entire collection as a blog post. In Day 3: Rethinking Narratives, Danica reflects on how observing Moxie Fan Token value flows has shifted her perspective on supporting creators and monetizing an audience. Fan Tokens, she explains, don’t fit into traditional charity or patronage models, and selling Fan Tokens is a necessary part of realizing gains, benefiting both creators and the Moxie network. Swanson's daily journal offers a thought-provoking look into the evolving dynamics of Fan Tokens and Moxie's mechanism design.

Other Integrations


  • Users will automatically earn Moxie every time they create a poll or Q&A using Ponder. The reward amount will be 10 times the FarScore of all respondents, distributed as follows: 50% to the poll or Q&A creator, 20% to their fans, 20% to the channel it was cast into, and 10% to fans of /ponder. This new feature incentivizes engagement and provides an exciting way for creators and participants to earn Moxie through interactive content.


  • Moxie partners with FarFantasy. Starting September 25th, you'll be able to use Moxie Fan Tokens to mint hero cards and build powerful decks to compete in exciting FarFantasy tournaments. Both winning players and their fans will earn Moxie, adding a new level of engagement and rewards to the game. Get ready to play FarFantasy and win Moxie!


  • Airstack is collaborating with @jtgi to transition all Airstack Channel Moderation to @automod. Automod has developed a simple import tool to streamline the transition process and is offering three free months of premium services to those who require it. For more information, check out the FAQs in the cast below. You can also access the direct link to the Airstack <> Automod import tool here:


  • Another exciting permissionless Moxie integration has been unveiled, this time from Bankless. The initial Moxie airdrops are now available in Bankless Claimables, allowing users to easily access their Moxie rewards directly through the platform. This marks another step toward expanding the Moxie ecosystem with seamless integrations.


  • Supercast has introduced exciting new features for users to engage with Moxie and Farcaster interactions. You can now check how valuable your Farcaster interactions are on Moxie and see how much Moxie a specific cast is earning. Additionally, Supercast has made it easier to follow profiles by adding a + button next to profile pictures, allowing you to follow someone without leaving the page.


  • The newest partnership with Moxie comes from Hidecast, which how allows Fan Token holders access to exclusive content, while they earn Moxie rewards for doing so (and so do you!). As the first frame composers using Moxie's "Publisher Mode", Hidecast and Ponder's features can be set up to allow frame usage rewards to flow directly to the caster. This means through Hidecast, you can now show behind-the-scenes news, updates, and info with your supporters, and reap the rewards of creating valuable content and sharing it with your community.

Wrapping Up

In this week's Moxie Monday, the platform has seen a wide array of exciting updates and developments. From the Moxie team's fix on reward displays to the launch of the Moxie Ecosystem page and upcoming Store launch, users can now enjoy enhanced transparency and a central hub for project exploration. The dev team has also planned key upgrades, including improvements to third-party integrations, a new transaction abstraction API, and the introduction of Far Boost linked to liquidity pools. Community contributions continue to enrich the ecosystem with tools like Abss’s Moxie jail monitor, Saxophone’s raffle tool, and SayAngel’s Gift a Fan Token update. Meanwhile, integrations such as Ponder, Hidecast, and FarFantasy bring new ways to engage and earn Moxie, and the collaboration with Automod ensures smooth channel moderation. With Moxito providing easy access to Moxie earnings and new features on Supercast, the Moxie ecosystem is expanding in both functionality and user experience, further solidifying its growth.

Disclaimer: This article is for entertainment and informational purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. Investing in cryptocurrencies and NFTs carries risks, including the potential loss of your entire investment.

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